Za potrebe obiskovalcev brez eduroam ali posebnih naprav, ki ne podpirajo prijave v omrežje eduroam, priporočamo, da se vzpostavi dodatno brezžično omrežje vrste WPA2-PSK. To omrežje omogoča preprosto prijavo z uporabo enakega gesla za vse uporabnike, vendar brez sledljivosti uporabnikov in brez podpore gostovanju.
Omrežje WPA2-PSK mora biti v svojem, ločenem VLANu 802.1q ter omrežju IP.
Svetujemo naslednje:
Prijavite se v Automator ter poiščite in izberite kampus, v katerem bi radi dodali/spremenili brezžično omrežje (PSK SSID)
V izbranem kampusu na levi izberite Omrežja
V razdelku Wi-Fi omrežja kliknite na + DODAJ Wi-FI
V vnosnem obrazcu izpolnite polja. V nadaljevanju je opisan primer za brezžično omrežje PSK SSID gostje.
Za PSK SSID gostje vedno izberemo omrežje eduroam, saj ne želimo, da imajo neznanci dostop do naših internih omrežij.
dot11 ssid <ime_omrezja_psk> vlan <stevilka_vlan> authentication open authentication key-management wpa accounting default mbssid guest-mode wpa-psk ascii <zacetno_geslo_psk> information-element ssidl advertisement interface Dot11Radio0 encryption vlan <stevilka_vlan> mode ciphers aes-ccm ssid <ime_omrezja_psk> interface Dot11Radio1 encryption vlan <stevilka_vlan> mode ciphers aes-ccm ssid <ime_omrezja_psk> interface Dot11Radio0.<stevilka_vlan> encapsulation dot1Q <stevilka_vlan> ip access-group block_client_tx in ip access-group block_client_rx out bridge-group <stevilka_mosta> interface Dot11Radio1.<stevilka_vlan> encapsulation dot1Q <stevilka_vlan> ip access-group block_client_tx in ip access-group block_client_rx out bridge-group <stevilka_mosta> interface GigabitEthernet0.<stevilka_vlan> encapsulation dot1Q <stevilka_vlan> bridge-group <stevilka_mosta>Konkretne nastavitve so odvisne od modela dostopovne točke. Nekatere nimajo dveh radijskih vmesnikov ali pa imajo drugače poimenovan žični vmesnik. Številka mostu je numerična nastavitev, ki povezuje med seboj promet med posameznimi podvmesniki. Tipično jo nastavimo kar na številko vlana zaradi lažjega branje nastavitev, vendar lahko zavzema vrednosti le med 1 in 255.
Na žičnih vmesnikih stikal in na usmerjevalniku morate nastaviti ustrezne VLANe in omrežja.
Če želite na nekaterih dostopovnih točkah dodati še eno, dodatno omrežje WPA2-PSK za dogodek, lahko omrežje povežete že z obstoječim omrežjem WPA2-PSK tako, da:
Omrežje WPA2-PSK je prepovedano povezati z omrežjem eduroam, saj na tak način
naredite omrežje eduroam manj varno.
Skript se sprehodi skozi navedene dostopovne točke in zamenja geslo PSK za navedeno omrežje PSK. Vsebino prekopirajte v izvršilno datoteko, vpišite ustrezne nastavitve in poženite kadar želite zamenjati gesla. Ločen skript pred menjavo gesla administratorju pošlje e-pošto z novim geslom.
Na dostopovnih točkah moramo urediti dodatno uporabniško ime in neposredni dostop do nastavitev:
username <USER> privilege 15 secret <PASS> aaa new-model aaa authorization exec default local
cd /Setup/Config/Admin tab Administrator Password Active Access-Rights Function-Rights add "<USER>" "<PASS>" yes admin-rw 0x001ff
#! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- ########### # Copyright (C) 2014, Marko Dolničar & Arnes AAI <aaa-podpora(at)arnes(dot)si> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. ########### from datetime import datetime import random import string import os import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText oldpass = "/var/lib/PSK-old" newpass = "/var/lib/PSK-new" mailTo = "" mailFrom = "" mailSubject = "New wireless password" mailServer = "" apSSID = "wpa-gost" date = try: os.rename(newpass, oldpass) except: print ("RENAME ERROR! - This is OK if you are running this script for the first time.\nIf not - please check "+oldpass+ " and "+newpass) psk_len = random.randint(12,16) global psk psk = "" while psk_len: psk += random.choice(string.digits + string.ascii_letters) psk_len -= 1; f = open(newpass, 'w') f.write(psk) f.close() print(psk) text = "The new password for SSID "+'"'+apSSID+'"'+" will be: "+psk msg = MIMEText(text) msg['Subject'] = mailSubject msg['From'] = mailFrom msg['To'] = mailTo # Send the message via our own SMTP server, but don't include the # envelope header. s = smtplib.SMTP(mailServer) s.sendmail(mailFrom, mailTo, msg.as_string()) s.quit() print ("T H E E N D !")
Skript uporablja knjižnico pxssh za povezovanje in konfiguracijo dostopovnih točk. V pythonu 2.6 ima knjižnica napako, zato uporabite priložen - popravljen (datoteko prenesite v isto mapo, kot skript).
#! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- ########### # Copyright (C) 2014, Marko Dolničar & Arnes AAI <aaa-podpora(at)arnes(dot)si> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. ########### import time import sys import os # pxssh in python 2.6 has a bug... you should have recieved a fixed import pxssh # pxssh in python 2.7 is OK # from pexpect import pxssh ####### ORGANIZATION SPECIFIC VARIABLES ######## # AccessPoints = ["", "", "", ""] apUsername = "pskchanger" apPassword = "supersecretpassword123" apSSID = "gost-wpa" global psk logfile="/var/log/psk_log.txt" pskfile="/var/lib/PSK-new" def ConfigureLancom(): ssh.sendline("cd /Setup/Interfaces/WLAN/Encryption") ssh.sendline("tab Ifc Key") ssh.sendline("set WLAN-1-2 "+psk) ssh.sendline("set WLAN-2-2 "+psk) ssh.sendline("q") ssh.logout() def ConfigureCisco(): ssh.sendline("terminal length 0") ssh.sendline("conf t") ssh.sendline("dot11 ssid " + apSSID) ssh.sendline("wpa-psk ascii " + psk) ssh.sendline("end") ssh.logout() f = open(logfile, 'w') psk = open(pskfile, "r").read() ssh = pxssh.pxssh(timeout=5, logfile=f) ssh.force_password = True #ssh.PROMPT = ">" os.linesep = "\r\n" for AP in AccessPoints: ssh.PROMPT = ">" print AP+":", try: ssh = pxssh.pxssh(timeout=5, logfile=f) ssh.login(AP, apUsername, apPassword, original_prompt="#", login_timeout=5, auto_prompt_reset=False) ssh.PROMPT = ">|#" ssh.prompt() ssh.sendline("sysinfo") time.sleep(1) ssh.prompt() a = ssh.before if "Bad IP address" in a: print "-Cisco-", ConfigureCisco() print " - OK" elif "DEVICE:" in a: print "-Lancom-", ConfigureLancom() print " - OK" else: print ("-Unknown response- - FAILED!") f.write("\nAP: "+AP+" does not match [Cisco | Lancom], skipping configuration of "+AP+" - if IP/hostname is correct you will have to configure it manually!\n") f.write("Error - returned response between hashes\n######\n"+a+"\n######\n") except: print(" Login/configuration exception - check "+AP+" manually!") f.write("\nError - Could not log in to/configure AP: "+AP+" - check username/password/IP and configure it manually!\n") pass f.close()
crontab -e
.# Poslji mail z novim geslom vsak petek ob 09:00 zjutraj. 0 9 * * fri /root/ # Menjaj geslo vsak ponedeljek ob 04:00 zjutraj. 0 4 * * mon /root/